(re)making me sick

Team Sysm took to the lanes at the nearby Brunswick Zone this afternoon. I can proudly say that I remain undefeated by 5-year-olds. Though the bumpers are going to have to come down if the scores stay that close.
The "Zone" has some crappy projection TV displays above the lanes. Being that the 5-year-old Sysmidgets tend to just drop the ball, it can take an excruciatingly long time for the ball to make it down the alley. They've actually bounced the ball off of the pins. Anyway, I had my eye on the TV a bit. Along with the usual marketing spiels (2 for 1 roller dogs!), they feature entertainment from the "Brunswick Entertainment Network." Music videos, mostly. Three of them stood out.
The first was a remake of the Bangles song, "Eternal Flame". The band's name was Atomic Kitten. Three girls with stomachs that looked like they did at least 1,500 ab crunches per day. Covering the fucking Bangles as a downtempo dance track. Finding a picture of them for this post, I found one of their song titles: "Love Doesn't Have to Hurt."
By the way, Ubie, I was a bit concerned about Atomic Kitten fans jamming the site, but I'm guessing that, as a condition of their home release program, most of them are barred from using the internet.Right after that, another crappy dance remake. This time, the Alice Cooper song, "Poison", done by a group called Groove Coverage. Hard to tell which is less imaginative, the bands name, or their choice of repertoire.
Finally, Lenny Kravitz' video for "Thinking of You." It looks like the song is supposed to be a tribute to his late mother. Like Lenny, when I want to remember a dearly departed family member, I like to film myself with a tight close-up of my waist, like I'm fucking their memory. Aah. Special times.