Smells Like Flaming Youth
From Adweek:
Kiss Readies Fragrance Campaign
April 18, 2006
By Sandra O'Loughlin/Brandweek
NEW YORK The rock band Kiss is preparing to unleash a marketing campaign behind its new fragrance.
The fall launch will be supported with print, television and promotional events that play off a Venetian mask theme and tie back to the group's flamboyant makeup style. Averett Free Ginsberg, New York, developed the ads.
i bet it smells like listerine.
3:32 PM
This boggles the mind.
I must process this bit of information.
4:01 PM
I can't imagine anything sexier than the bottled essence of Gene Simmons.
I have to go throw up now.
4:28 PM
I was thinking it would smell like STDs
5:04 PM
My Mom has the essence of Gene Simmons bottled in the freezer. At least, she told me it was "Essence".
6:53 PM
Lick it Up! Lick it Up!
8:40 PM
When are they going to market bathroom cleaning supplies or hairnets or condoms? Is there anything those dudes HAVEN'T sold?
When will the info-mercial come out?
8:31 AM
Bottle is a life-like tongue that you have to run along your skin to apply perfume.
Next: their body splash line
Those ads are gonna rock!
12:48 PM
1. Flaming youth? Tha'll set the world on fire!
2."Creative features a faded image of a woman's white masked face and Kiss-inspired makeup, with a black star over one eye."
Nobody ever wants to be the cat
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