Why can't all Pop-Tarts earn a living wage?
I'm taste-testing the difference between Pop-Tarts, their generic equivalent from Jewel. And their even more generic equivalent from Aldi. My life is all romance and glamour. I hate Aldi - but the Sysmistress and I are trying to stretch our food dollars as far as we can.
I just learned on Friday that Trader Joe's is owned by Aldi. What the fuck?
First of all, I have a standing bet that I could take every Birkenstocks-with-black-socks-clad, ponytail-sporting, adjunct visiting assistant junior college professor in your typical Trader Joe's on all at once, one-handed, Dalton-style. But I really don't have any big problem with the merchandise. But, Aldi? Aren't they bastards? How can they fake the hippie food collective vibe like that?
So, the meowberries are made from cats?
10:42 AM
Anything with Hello Kitty is a good thing.
12:30 PM
I don't know shit about Aldi, but I love Trader Joe's, and I love you more for referencing the best movie ever of all time.
12:59 PM
"Pain don't hurt."
"Road House" is the "Citizen Kane" of drive-in cinema.
I could watch that movie 100 times.
Wait. I have watched that movie 100 times.
2:16 PM
B.A., I hope they aren't made BY cats.
Are meowberries related to dingleberries?
I think we're all missing Sysm's point, which is "no matter where you shop or what you buy, chances are it's owned by someone or something evil."
Either that, or "all toaster pastries suck."
2:54 PM
Ubie - why does everything have to have a point?
5:38 PM
I think I'll just go back to listen to Miss Knit sing my praises.
7:14 PM
Could any film climax be more thrilling than one involving a brutal throw-down between an African spear-wielding Ben Gazzera and a balletic-kicking Patrick Swayze?
7:46 PM
I like anything with a kitty on the box.
11:55 PM
you have crumbled my world by ruining trader joe's for me.
6:17 AM
i don't shop at aldi because i can't handle the pressure of the surly cashier throwing the groceries at me because i can't reload them into the trolley fast enough.
6:35 AM
Tsk, tsk... where to begin?
If you really want to save your dollars, use coupons.
Look, cheap goldfish, free oreo's, cheap cheese, free airheads!
If Sysmistress would like my full dissertation on couponing, please have her send me a note.
TJ's has brought really great produce to our Aldis as well as some really lame beer.
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